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Kode Produk: PTMG 912

Stok: Stok Tersedia

Berat: -

Sejak: 11-08-2024

Detail Produk


PENULIS : Dra. Jenie Posumah, M.Hum


This textbook is entitled ENGLISH FOR JOURNALISM which includes a presentation of various thoughts and discussions around theories about journalism in general and specifically regarding basic mastery of journalism, what things you must know and master if you want to become a journalist, things - What things should not be done by a journalist, whether in local, national or even international media? This means that there is a binding code of ethics for journalists so that coverage, writing and reporting to the public is truly accurate and well controlled so that no one is involved. disadvantaged.

English For Journalism is given to students from upper secondary level but also to the wider community. The publication of this textbook aims to equip students in particular and society in general with adequate knowledge about the benefits and usefulness of mastering the theory of being a journalist (both print and electronic/digital media).

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