Foreign Branding and Persuasive Strategies on MSMEs Products

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Sejak: 18-07-2023

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JUDUL : Foreign Branding and Persuasive Strategies on MSMEs Products

PENULIS : Rizky Vita Losi, S.Pd.I., M.Hum., Ahmad Fadlan, S.E., M.Si., Putri Selviani



The use of foreign terms has now become a commonplace in every aspect of life. People can find the use of foreign languages, especially English, in many sectors such as: education, economy, technology and so on. In the world of education, the term e-learning has been popular since the Covid-19 pandemic broke out. The term e-commerce is also well-known among users of digital markets.
There is a shift in public perception of foreign terms supported by the rapid development of technology in the current era. The use of foreign terms changes people's perceptions and attitudes in making purchases of the goods they are interested in. In the business world, recently the term “Foreign Branding” strategy has appeared. This term has a meaning as a strategy for pronouncing or spelling a brand name in a foreign language.

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